Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

Fashion Stylist !

Hi everyone~!

Today i'll post about fashion! who's interested in fashion?? 
although i'm not the fashionable one, i really love to see the models on the catwalk or the magazines. Well, i'm not trying to become a model. I'm not tall and slender enough to become a model. And I don't think I can resist to eat all the yummy foods like the model mostly do. (i'm a food lover, by the way)

Actually, I have more interest in fashion stylist. Mixing and matching the dress with the shoes, jewelry, and etc, is more interesting rather than just wearing it. (who's agreee???). So, i found this site http://looklet.com . you can check it out. That site allow us to be a 'virtual' stylist. We can style the real models with the famous clothing line! Here is the example :

*those four style are made by me

*those three are made by another stylist at looklet

So, how do you think?? Give it a try, stylist! Have Fun :)

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

My Wasteful Holiday

Hi everyone! how're you doing?

actually, saya sedang dalam masa liburan kuliah.. end of the semester, and got almost 2 months holiday.
dan saya menghabiskannya dengan sia-sia. yeaaahhh, sangat sia-sia.. while everyone started spend their holiday happily, visiting many places (just like my friends do which makes me jalous, thankyou),  i just stayed at home. rusting. such an amazing (and wasteful) holiday I've got.

sebenernya sih, gak cuma diem dirumah doang.. beberapa kali mengunjungi sepupu saya, shopping with mommy, and the biggest thing i've done for my holiday (so far) is DRIVING!! :)
hohoho.. saya baru aja belajar mengemudi. mengemudi apaa?? mengemudi becak!! hehe.. nggak ding, bukan.. saya gak punya becak sayangnya.. jadi saya cuma belajar mengemudi  mobil angkot. waaw.. it's a great things for me, secara naik motor juga gak bisa, naik sepeda sering miring-miring gitu, sekarang belajar mobil berasa hebat. skipping dua tahap mengemudi (sepeda dan motor)! haha..

well, everyone, all i have to say is : driving ISN'T as that easy, buddies.. driving lessons nya sih quite easy for me (yaiyalaaaahh secara ada teachernya Mrs. Puff di kursi sebelah yang ikutan megang kopling sama rem). tapi setelah dikatakan 'lulus' dari driving school, and started to use my own (actually, it's my daddy's) car, it's HARD dude!!! saking grogi nya nyetir di depan bokap, saya sampe lupa caranya NGEJALANIN MOBIL! bodoh banget.. belajar apaan aja kemaren di driving school?! 

setelah beberapa jam berhasil ngejalanin mobil (sambil diomelin bokap) naik turun jalanan, belajar pake rem tangan dan segala macemnya sampe keringet-dingin (serius loh! bokap itu paling jago bikin deg-degan), akhirnya 'scary' driving lesson bersama bokap, selesai sudah! nyampe rumah, lemes banget. pelajaran yang didapat hari itu : kalo mau belajar nyetir sama bokap, siapkan mental dan telinga.

saya menghabiskan sisa liburan (selain mengemudi yang asal-asalan), yaitu dengan mendengarkan teman saya berceloteh tentang perjalanannya ke dieng, parangtritis, telaga warna, bogor, and so on. yap, dengan kurangajarnya, dia MENELPON saya cuma buat bikin saya ngiri. (show off!! kurangajar sekali dia. teman macam apa itu?!)

sebenernya, rencana awal liburan saya sih mau ke bali, visiting my autie, and get a part-time job at her store. tapi karena gak dibolehin bokap, GAGAL. jengjeng.. padahal kan lumayan yah? bisa ngisi liburan + ngisi dompet + cuci mata. iya gak? hohoho..

well, karena hampir semua rencana liburan saya gagal, i end up rusting at home. liburan tinggal seminggu lagi, dan my last hope is only to visit my granny in next friday. setelah itu, kehidupan kampus yang sangat menyenangkan melelahkan pun akan dimulai kembali..

how about your holiday?? ;)

My First Entry

Here is my First entry~!

Hello everyone..
thank you for visiting my blog ^^

let me introduce myself ..

i'm an 18 years old teenager, currently living in Jakarta, Indonesia.
i have an interest in exchanging culture and language. as Indonesian, my native language is Indonesian, but i also can speak English pretty good. and currently learning Japanese, Spanish, and Korean.
later, you might find so much posts about Korean entertainment, which is my biggest interest nowadays, but I'll post another things beside Korean entertainment

i have a LOT of dreams. and hoping to reach them in a short time. one of my biggest dream is to visit every single country in the world! (that's big, huh?) so, in order to reach my dream, i decide to make this blog! ^^
i'm sure that everyone also have their own dream, let's catch our dream together~! ^__^

well, i don't have anything to said..
thank you for visiting my blog. and please give me your comment. thanks!